Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation


Are you looking for an alternative to Botox and Restylane? Do you want to improve the overall muscle tone to your face? Are you looking to soften lines? Facial acupuncture has been safely practiced for decades as an alternative to more invasive cosmetic procedures.

A facial acupuncture treatment starts with an initial evaluation of not just your skin but your overall well-being. Factors such as diet, hydration, sleep, and hormone balance are evaluated. During the treatment, 50-60 ultra-fine sterile needles are inserted in the areas being treated. The needles are retained for 20 minutes. Often micro-current electrical stimulation is applied. The needles may be dipped in specific homeopathic solu-tions prior to insertion.

Facial acupuncture works by causing micro-trauma to the area. The skin responds by depositing collagen to the area. The overall effect is a “plumping” that reduces lines and increased skin tone. Many people feel an overall sense of well-being and relaxa-tion after treatments.

A course of 10 treatments — usually 2 treatments a week for 5 weeks is standard. Many patients see results after the first treatment. After the series of 10 treatments is complete, a once a month maintenance treatment is necessary for upkeep. Mature skin that has been well maintained responds best to cosmetic acupuncture. To find out more about acupuncture facial rejuvenation please call our office.