Holiday Blues or is it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Living in the Valley of the Sun does not give us immunity to SAD. As the days get shorter, moods can drop, carbohydrate cravings increase, and general lethargy sets in. We tend to blame the stress of family and holidays for feeling blah when there may be an underlying cause. It is estimated that 15% of North Americans have SAD. Phototherapy (light therapy) is the most effective treatment for SAD but not all lights have the same therapeutic results. Type of light, placement, and time of use can maximize the effectiveness. Lights that simulate sunrise are showing to be most effective. Light therapy can be supported with neurotransmitter balancing. And don’t underestimate the power of a healthy diet and regular exercise – especially if it is outside in the sunlight. And always check with your physician if your mood interferes with your activities of daily living.